Learn French Through Songs: Piece of French breaks down Angèle’s ‘Balance ton quoi’

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Listening to contemporary French music is one of the best ways to learn French without feeling like you’re studying. The repetition in pop songs helps reinforce new vocabulary and phrases, sung French is usually slower than spoken French, and you’ll probably learn a lot of colloquial phrases and pronunciations.

In this video from Piece of French, Elsa breaks down the popular song by Belgian singer Angèle, “Balance Ton Quoi.” The song is a play on the French version of the #MeToo movement, #Balancetonporc i.e. “squeal on your pig.” There’s plenty of wordplay, informal language, and good vocabulary to learn, as well as a broader message about feminism and the fight for women’s empowerment in France and Europe in general.

If you’re looking for some more tunes to help you learn, check out this list of popular French artists, or this playlist of recent hits.

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