How to Learn French on Instagram: The Best Accounts And Teachers

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Learning a new language is always an indisputably good idea (as Audrey Hepburn’s Sabrina remarks, “Paris is always a good idea…”). But time and patience sometimes turn out to be an issue for many of us. Enter Instagram, a treasure trove of content, that can help. Some of the best accounts make learning French a joy thanks to entertaining and magnetic creators.

Of course, using Instagram to touch up on your French will not enable you to write a book in the language. That takes years of  learning, reading, spending time amongst native speakers and many years of devotion. But phrases, local dialects, greetings and even verb tenses? There are so many Instagram teachers out there and some have all the tricks and tools you’ll ever need. Here are a few:

The Best Instagram Accounts to Learn French:

  1. The Old-School: Learn French With Alexa
  2. The Romantic: French Words
  3. The Friendly: Celine’s Easy French
  4. The Mix’n’Match: French With Cousteaux
  5. The One That Makes You Pay Attention: Chat Polyglotte
  6. The Exquisitely Entertaining: Tatty Macleod

1. The Old-School: Learn French With Alexa

Alexa is one of those French teachers we had in high-school that we ended up loving so much. Watching her, you can’t help but notice how much she loves teaching you French, and how much she’d love for you to learn. Her methods are highly professional. She works by planting seeds in your brain and helping the tender seedlings along.

She also has a Youtube channel with so many helpful videos. But it’s on Instagram that you get the snippets of knowledge that will stay with you. Her videos go from beginner to advanced and, if you’re dedicated, you just might end up having full conversations in French by next year.

2. The Romantic: French Words

No teachers here, but there’s a beautiful timeline and some escapism in the words and phrases “of the day” that they share with their 683K followers. The French is in the picture, the English translation is in the caption.

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In between, you get the dessert of a gorgeous photograph. Some time ago, the new word to learn was Attrape-rêves. Dreamcatcher. See what I mean?

3. The Friendly: Celine’s Easy French

Celine speaks only French, yet you magically understand her. The reason behind this is the way she makes her videos. In them, she recreates every day situations like getting ready in the morning, talking to waiters in restaurants, ordering pizza and all of them are complete with gestures, facial expressions and props which she points at.

The most charming part of her teaching? Her assistant.

4. The Mix’n’Match: French With Cousteaux

Malcolm has several approaches: He posts graphics and written phrases which he reads out loud. Or, he posts joke videos (with very memorable captions). Sometimes, he even goes for the classic reel format we’re now getting so used to (5 signs that you’re becoming a native, 5 ways to “feel better” in French). In between, you become acquainted with the word by the time you’ve tapped ‘like’.

He doesn’t only do words, he does typical sounds and phrases regular teachers won’t even think of. Did you know  about the “inhale ouais,” for example? I didn’t either, but now I do. 

5. The One That Makes You Pay Attention: Chat Polyglotte

Shreni is another tutor who gives you the feeling that you’re in a class, just like with Alexa. Also,  you can’t believe you understand her, even though she speaks in French only. Her videos are very now (one of her recent videos mentions the electricity crisis in France), and very simple to follow, although they sometimes a word or two might be a tad difficult for beginners as Shreni doesn’t always use subtitles.

This might be a (brilliant) method of hers, as that way, we are “forced” to rely on listening and comprehension only, which might seem hard at first, but is definitely useful in the long run. Truly an amazing teacher.

6. The Exquisitely Entertaining: Tatty Macleod

Not exactly a teacher, but you’re missing a lot if you don’t follow her. Tatty is bilingual and often her videos compare British vs. French reactions to things. Her videos have subtitles in French when she speaks English and in English when she speaks French.

True, she makes them for entertaining purposes (and succeeds royally) and the French is super-conversational, but you’ll definitely catch some phrases in there. If you don’t, well, at least you’ll laugh. Tatty is a gem.

Instagram does not sit still either: Following and liking these people will of course throw more French learning at you. And yes, #catsofinstagram videos are amazing, but doesn’t it sound great to be able to have a basic conversation in French just because you spent some time scrolling through socials? It could certainly go a long way the next time you visit France.

And, who knows, one day you might even write that book.

Jana Misho is the author of “Almost Parisian: How To Survive Your Late Twenties in Paris” and “Anais from Montmartre.” She writes things she wants to read and is inspired by art, people and obscure Parisian cafés. Probably the only person in the world who has a tattoo of Tour Montparnasse. Her third novel “Lulu” is now on Amazon.

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