Women’s March 2018: Rallies and Meet-ups Planned in Paris and Across France

One year after the Women’s March, one year into the Presidency of Donald Trump, women have not yielded. The persistence of the resistance is on display at the hundreds of Women’s Marches around the world on this “Weekend of the Woman,” including several events in France. The year, the marches center around the idea of “Look Back, March Forward,” and launch the collective Women’s March agenda, #PowerToThePolls, to get women voting and on the ballot.

The largest Women’s March in France will occur in Paris on Sunday, January 21st, from 2:30pm-4:30pm, at the Parvis du Trocadero. Unlike last year, the attendees won’t actually be marching; the event will remain at the Trocadero the entire time. Speakers include Sarah Dalglish from PAGE of Democracy, Maggie Kim from Les Lolos, and Connie Borde from Democrats Abroad. A livestream of the march an be seen here, and keep up on Twitter here. Paris will be featured on the Women’s March Global livestream at 3pm. This event is organized by Women’s March Paris, Indivisibles-France, Democrats Abroad France, PAGE Paris, and Our Revolution.

Other events will be held throughout France. Here are the ones listed on the Women’s March Global website, all on January 21st: In Grenoble, Democrats Abroad have organized a potluck lunch. A member of the Women’s March Network has planned a familial march in Cassis, followed by an apéro for discussion. A “Marche des Femmes Womens March” has been organized in Auvillar. In Toulouse, a #MeToo gathering invites women and men to La Maison d’à Côté, a tea salon, organized by Democrats Abroad France. Supporters of the movement in Lyon will meet for photos and a message of support before taking a coffee or apéro together nearby.

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