[Video] Unlocking the French Dream: Your Pathway to a Second Home or Relocation to France

webinair 30 nov 23

In this February 2024 webinar, we unraveled the secrets to making moving to or buying a second home in France a tangible possibility.

This webinar is designed to provide you with valuable insights, practical tips, and firsthand experiences to empower you to take concrete steps towards owning a second home or relocating entirely to the captivating landscapes of France.

Watch the replay below or directly on our YouTube channel

Get in touch with the speakers: find their contact information at the bottom of this article

We covered the following topics:
Setting the stage for the discussion on the attainability of owning a second home in France.

Making it Possible
Exploring the strategies and resources that can make your dream of living in France a reality.

Affordability and Quality of Life
Discover the affordability, quality of food, and enriching way of life that make owning a second home in France an enticing prospect.

Financial Aspects
Understanding the tax advantages and financial viability of owning a second home in France.

– Legal and Social Considerations
Unveiling the legal framework and health benefits of the social system in France, ensuring a seamless transition for homeowners.

Client Testimonial
Gain valuable perspectives from one of our US clients who successfully navigated the process of owning a second home in France. Hear firsthand from Gordon, who along with his wife Deb made his dream of a second home in France happen. Gordon will share his experience and insights on making it work financially and practically.

Get in touch with the speakers

👉 Free consultation with Fabien Pelissier, founder and managing director of Fab Insurance & Fab Services : https://calendly.com/fabinsurance/free-consultation-france
👉 Consultation with Richard Hammond from French Connections HCB : https://calendly.com/richard-frenchconnectionshcb/initial-call-frenchly-webinar

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If you're a non-EU citizen moving to France, it's essential to understand how to join the French healthcare system, also known as social security, through an entity called CPAM. This article focuses on the perspective of non-workers or retirees who need to apply to CPAM through PUMA (Protection Universelle Maladie). Fab French Insurance explains everything you need to know on the subject.

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