[Vidéo] How to survive the French long term visa process

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Moving to France from a non EU/EEA country often comes with the requirement of a visa. During this one hour free webinar, we’ll have a look at your options and the things you need to pay attention to so that your first experience with the French government goes as smoothly as is Frenchly possible.

Your tour guides: Fabien Pelissier (Fab French Insurance), Michel Dejaegher (Former Head of the French Central Visa Department) and Emmanuel Saint-Martin (French Morning Media Group)

Watch the recording here

Contact Fabien Pelisser from Fab French Insurance : [email protected]

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If you're a non-EU citizen moving to France, it's essential to understand how to join the French healthcare system, also known as social security, through an entity called CPAM. This article focuses on the perspective of non-workers or retirees who need to apply to CPAM through PUMA (Protection Universelle Maladie). Fab French Insurance explains everything you need to know on the subject.

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