Study with a Global Perspective through Dallas International School’s Multilingual Programs


[Sponsored article] Dallas International School (DIS) follows the French national curriculum and the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills guidelines in elementary and middle school. In high school, students choose one of two baccalaureate programs – the French Baccalaureate or the International Baccalaureate – for their final two years. Both programs are rigorous, worldwide, pre-university courses that meet the needs of highly motivated high school students.

Develop Unique Skills by Learning Languages

From kindergarten through 12th grade, students are introduced to a global perspective through the unique multilingual and multicultural academic programs at DIS. Students grow up in an international environment and challenge themselves, explore their creativity, and increase their confidence and metacognitive skills by learning in two or more languages.

The world is interconnected as never before. It is necessary to ensure that our young people are able to navigate this reality. At DIS, students are used to rubbing shoulders with people from all over the world. They are used to speaking different languages, embracing different cultures, and working together with people different from themselves. DIS teachers also represent many nationalities from different continents and cultures. DIS students absorb the spirit of the world from an early age, and this becomes a natural way of thinking for them. They become mature, open-minded thinkers, able to cope in many different and challenging contexts.

A Multitude of Paths through Languages

Learning French, English, and one or more additional modern languages is a crucial factor in the success of future citizens of the world. Learning another language is not just about opening the essential doors of communication; it’s also about discovering a new way of seeing the world, approaching problems, and finding solutions to them. Multilingual students know that there is more than one way. They are open to others, which means they have greater empathy and understanding. They can synthesize what they learn in their different language courses, approaching academic content from different angles. This is an undeniable advantage DIS offers to its students over other monolingual schools.

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