The Best Places to Live in France to Pursue a Career in a Creative Industry

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[Sponsored article] France has a long, rich history of encouraging creatives across all mediums, from filmmakers to writers to game developers.

Boundaries are pushed to serve creativity, art is highly supported (one billion euros is set aside each year to spur the development of cultural works across the country), and culture is queen – an attractive combination for anyone wishing to explore creative work in France.

Currencies Direct has written up a guide that goes through three of France’s biggest creative industries, and the best locations to live in order to pursue your creative dreams.

The Best Places to Live in France to Pursue a Career in a Creative Industry:

  1. Cannes: the City That Offers More Than Just the Festival
  2. Game Development in Lyon
  3. The Literary Streets of Paris

1. Cannes: the City That Offers More Than Just the Festival

Cannes! The Lumière Brothers, Godard, Varda, Cahiers du Cinéma!

Every film buff is familiar with French cinema, and those who aren’t probably have some French masterpieces on their watchlist.

Living in France as a filmmaker — or working in the film industry — can be very tempting, surrounded by such a vibrant film history and some of its greatest creators.

Cinema is the predominant cultural export in France, and you’re likely to find studios looking for new hires all across the city of Cannes. The world famous Cannes film festival runs on a yearly basis and always comes with opportunities for people who want to set foot in the industry.

The cost of living is cheaper than in Paris, but it does come with seasonal tourism. Be aware that every year, you’ll have to live among an influx of festival goers. But, if you’re angling for a job in the film industry, or to network? Perfect.

Beyond that? Cannes is an astonishingly gorgeous seaside resort town. Cafés are abundant, and the general pace of life is much more relaxed than the bustle of other cities in France.

2. Game Development in Lyon

Much like cinema, France has been a key player in the video game industry, since the beginning, with creators such as Eric Chahi pushing the limits for game design with titles such as Out of This World.

Today, France is home to studios such as Arkane, Asobo, and Don’t Nod, who continue the tradition of going beyond what’s already been done within the medium.

Arkane Lyon is the best known developer in the city, but you can find opportunities within other companies and studios such as Eden Games (the creators of Test Drive Unlimited and V-Rally).

Lyon as a city is on average around 20% cheaper than Paris, but also offers a wealth of places to explore. If you’re into food, it’s the world’s capital of gastronomy. History? The inner-city of Lyon is a UNESCO world heritage site and is one of the largest Renaissance-era old towns in Europe.

3. The Literary Streets of Paris

The publishing industry in France is huge — 53% of cultural export huge, to be precise.

The publishing industry in France made around three billion of euros in 2021, and with the investment fund mentioned prior, it’s likely going to keep growing.

Like many other countries across the globe, the literature industry in France is largely centralized. Due to a period of conglomeration and commercialisation in the sixties, the majority of publishing work is done in Paris, with book editors such as Hachette Livre, Editis, and Madrigall all being located in the city.

Paris, the City of Lights is a vibrant and multicultural city filled with history, culture, and food. There’s a romanticism to living here.

But be no fool: Paris is expensive. It’s worth securing that literary job before you move here, and it’s worth being incredibly thorough on budgeting. While the city has a lot to offer, it can just as easily overwhelm and overcharge.

Where Currencies Direct comes in

With the French creative industries thriving, it’s no wonder that living in France to pursue your goals is tremendously tempting.

Be that in Cannes, Lyon, or Paris, Currencies Direct is able to help you get started.

Currencies Direct offers competitive exchange rates alongside financial management tools such as limit orders and forward contracts, which can take away the stress of paying over the odds when transfering funds to France.

For more information, get in touch with Currencies Direct.

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