Emmanuel Macron’s Twitter Account Provides an Inside Look at His State Visit

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French president Emmanuel Macron seems to be thoroughly enjoying his time in Washington. Honored with the first official state visit to the United States, Macron and American president Donald Trump had a very busy schedule on their first day together. Thanks to Macron’s very active Twitter account, we know a little bit more about what went on during the day besides official events.

1:30pm. The red carpet was (literally) rolled out for the French president and the first lady. The duo was treated to “La Marseillaise,” played by an American military band, before Macron took the microphone to express his excitement to be in the United States, and his hopes for the visit.

2:15pm. Ever presenting himself as a man of the people, Macron decided to take a walk on the streets of the capital before going to the White House.

(“At the Lincoln memorial. The United States and France share a long history, we have led revolutions together to defend freedom and democracy. It is our turn to live up to the example set by our history.”)

Macron met with the “French team” working in Washington.

5:15pm. Macron and Brigitte arrive at the White House. Trump and First Lady Melania gave the French pair a tour of the oval office.



5:30pm. As he told America in his Fox News interview on Sunday, Macron gifted Trump an oak tree from the north of France, which the two planted together on the South Lawn with the First Ladies.

6:10pm. Finally, the presidents and their wives took a military helicopter to nearby Mount Vernon for a private dinner.

Day two of the state visit continues with a press conference on the White House lawn and an official state dinner this evening.

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