Watch Americans Try Foie Gras

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Everyone knows what foie gras is, or at least they have some idea of it. Most people would say it has something to do with force feeding ducks.

Let’s get to the bottom of this: foie gras is a French delicacy made with the liver of a fattened duck or goose. It can be made inhumanely, but it can also be made humanely. (Though PETA would say differently.) Think about it: you can buy eggs from the store laid by chickens in small cages, or you can by eggs from free-range chickens. There are more gruesome examples with red meat, but you get the idea.

On July 1, 2012 foie gras was banned in California, though the law was overturned January 7, 2015. To sooth some of the concerns, Buzzfeed made a video of Californians trying foie gras, made from humanely raised ducks and cooked by Jason Quinn, a chef at the LA restaurant playground.

The discussion around the tasting is exactly what you thought it’d be. One person said, “I wanted to not like this, like I really wanted to not like it, but this is kind of awesome.” Watch the video above to see how these Californians feel about foie gras once they try it.

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