France Fights Back on Paris Climate Accord

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Announcing that the U.S. would be withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord, American President Donald Trump claimed that he was elected to represent “Pittsburg not Paris.”

But his decision to withdraw has brought protest from scientists, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, and regular citizens all over the world who care about the planet. In defense of withdrawing, the White House tweeted a video about why it was the right decision.

However, much like French President Emmanuel Macron’s immediate rebuttal of Trump’s withdrawal, the French government quickly after made a nearly identical video with edits as to how withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accord will hurt not just America, but the entire world.

Using Trump’s own words against him seems to be France’s new favorite thing, and they seem to be trying to make #MakeThePlanetGreatAgain go viral. Watch the video above to see France’s edits to Trump’s claims about the Paris Climate Accord being harmful to the US.

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